Friday, February 17, 2006

More Paperwork

After spending half the week worrying that my home study application was lost, today I came home to an envelope full of paperwork from that same agency. I've been assigned to a social worker and I've got all the typical paperwork to complete. No problem... I spent a half hour getting as much as I could done right away. The rest seems like it will get done as the home study progresses. I think it's time to have my mom come up and help me clean the house before the social worker comes to visit!


  • At 6:26 PM, Blogger Puddin' said…

    Oh good! :-)

    Don't worry about the homestudy...piece of cake! We used the same HS agency as you. We really liked our SW from there.

  • At 9:24 AM, Blogger Lisa and Tate said…

    No worries about the HS... people sress too much about them.. I had 10 minutes warning and just out of the shower the firs visit... They are there to met you and see you not the house!!!


  • At 9:44 AM, Blogger Kristin said…

    excellent to be moving forward!!!

    don't worry too much about the house... i think all our SW checked was that we had smoke detectors... he then wrote in our dossier:

    "Hugh and Kristin live in an eclectic and child friendly home."

    Does that not totally sound like our house is furnished in early pre-school? Maria Montessori, my interior designer!

  • At 1:57 PM, Blogger Jenny said…

    The HS will be great!! : ) Sharon is really super nice. Wahooo!! You are getting closer!


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