Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Easter

I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. (Revelations 1:18)

Best wishes to all for a blessed Easter with your family and friends!


  • At 11:32 AM, Blogger Christi and Abbey said…

    Isn't Easter amazing? It's my favorite holiday and I can't wait to share it with my daughter. Jesus has defeated death and through His ressurection power we will live forever!

  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Jenny said…

    Amen, Amen and AMEN. Happy Easter! : )

  • At 2:13 PM, Blogger Michelle said…

    Happy Easter! With all the bunnies and eggs, it's easy to forget the true meaning of the season

  • At 5:10 PM, Blogger glo said…

    He is Risen. he is Risen indeed. happy Easter to you .

  • At 8:39 PM, Blogger Kim M. said…

    Happy Easter! The Greatest Story ever told! I love that faith is what moves the story of Christ. Just like our journey to our daughters you mush have faith!

  • At 5:29 PM, Blogger Puddin' said…

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter! Did you go back to work today? My kids started back today. Oh, and by the way...You're Tagged! You can read about it on my blog! ;-)

  • At 4:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank you for a wonderful site!


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