Thursday, September 21, 2006

Feeling Hopeful

The rumors this week from our dear RQ have made me feel more hopeful about receiving my referral next year instead of sometime during the next decade. I was also encouraged by Brian Stuy's most recent analysis of wait times.

So, IF wait times stay in the range of 14-15 months, I could be looking at a September or October referral next year. It would be wonderful to celebrate Christmas 2007 with Jillian in my arms.

It was about time. I needed some positive news.


  • At 6:07 PM, Blogger t~ said…

    I so hope things take a positive swing upwards! I am exhausted from bad news.

    Keeping hopeful with you!

  • At 6:45 PM, Blogger C's Mom said…

    I'm hanging in with you too...I HAVE to keep thinking positive.

  • At 8:17 PM, Blogger Catherine said…

    Ohhh wouldn't a larger referral batch be wonderful? It's been so long since we've had a large referral batch to celebrate! Here's hoping they go deep into August!

  • At 8:58 PM, Blogger Shandra said…

    Keep the positve thoughts going on this one. I could handle China in fall.

  • At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I stumbled onto your blog quite awhile back after googling Jillian's Closet (searching for the clothing line). Reading of your journey to your Jillian (my Jillian is 15mths old) is awesome. Your patience, excitement, determination ?? what other words describe it many? Is an inspiration. I hope she reaches your arms soon.

  • At 5:46 AM, Blogger Joannah said…


    Thanks for reading my blog and leaving such a supportive comment. I think I remember you from a few months ago? Give your little Jillian a hug for me!

  • At 10:57 AM, Blogger Mrs Pushy said…

    Ironic how we are so excited about a 14- 15 month wait now, when we started out around 6- 8! The one thing that would be nice would be some stability, and it sounds like that might be coming soon. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

  • At 5:40 AM, Blogger Mariah said…

    I really think we will have our sweet daugthers home before Christmas! It really doesn't seem that far away!! I can't wait to see how far referral get next week! Have a great weekend!

  • At 7:33 AM, Blogger Tamara said…

    That would be wonderful to have Jillian for Christmas- I hope to have Miya by Christmas this year. If I'm really optimistic, I would hope for Thanksgiving this year! Maybe I will know better by next week. Getting excited, again. ;)

  • At 9:23 AM, Blogger Special K said…

    I've been saying the same little prayer.... please let her come home by Christmas '07.

    Here's to hoping...

  • At 9:43 AM, Blogger dawn said…

    I have been hanging on to Brian Stuys words this week also. No harm in staying hopeful. ((grin))

  • At 11:44 AM, Blogger Dawn said…

    I would love for the next batch of referrals to go to at least mid-August ( it would be even better if it were all of August, but a girl can dream, right??)

    Hanging in there with you!!!

  • At 12:46 PM, Blogger Donna said…

    I really have a feeling things have stabilized and your patience will be rewarded sooner than you think!

  • At 8:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think the wait will stabalize and if anything maybe even start to get shorter....lets hope so....looks like there will be referrals this week...always exciting!


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