First Day of School
Today was the first day of my eleventh year of teaching. My first fourth graders from the 1996/1997 school year are now college sophomores! I can't believe how quickly the time has passed.
This year's class seems very likeable. I have several more boys than girls, which is never a good thing, but it will take some time to get a better feel for the dynamics of the group. I do know that D. and G. will require a lot of attention from me. Already I was asking D. to stop talking when I'm talking and to put his feet on the floor. G.'s dad called right after school to talk about homework - there was no homework and won't be until next week. Some parents are very high-maintenance.
But on the positive side, I received flowers from two students, a bag of fruit and cookies from another, and yet another sent a large bag of cleaning supplies and paper for the classroom. I was delighted with their thoughtfulness.
Even though it was a minimum day and the kids were dismissed at 12:20 p.m., I'm exhausted. It's going to be a very low-key evening and an early bedtime tonight.
At 4:59 PM, Anonymous said…
Eleven years! That is so great and it's obvious you love what you you're doing. Do you mind moving to Texas? You have two years until I need you. :)
I can't wait to hear more tales from your side of the classroom. I'm always wondering what the teachers must be thinking.
At 5:50 PM, C's Mom said…
The busy school year will help the wait go by easier! At least it's good to know you'll be busy doing something you love.
I know what you mean about the kiddos growing so quickly. When I see some of the kids I delivered it makes me feel kinda rickety and old ;0) I will need therapy when the day comes that I deliver a baby to someone I delivered....that, or a cane :0)
At 6:49 PM, Kathryn said…
Time goes by so quickly. The 3rd graders I taught in teaching would be have finished their 4th year after graduating high school and the kindergartners would be 1 year out of high school already. Boy, do the years go by!
At 7:07 PM, Sugar Cookies And Hope said…
Congrats on making it through your first day! I slept like a baby last night after my first day and know that once your little head hits that pillow tonight, you will be in la la land in no time! I had to laugh when I read that you thought that having more boys than girls was never a good thing. In my experience, I would rather teach a class full of grade eight boys anytime over a class full of hormonal grade eight girls. I guess fourth grade hormones are still dormant to some extent.
My first class of grade sevens (1996) are turning 23 this year which makes me feel especially old...funny, though that we don't look a day older!! Have a good and well-deserved rest, sweet girl.
At 9:54 PM, AprilMay said…
Yay! Sounds like a great class. I love that age! Your classroom looks welcoming and stimulating as well as very organized! I am like you...I hate clutter and old stuff! It drives my husband crazy because I buy new posters every year! ;)
Today was day 2 for me and I am MORE exhausted than day 1! This is my 10th year, so I guess we both made it through the 5 year burnout. Way to go, us!
At 10:23 AM, t~ said…
Hope you have a wonderful year!
At 11:28 AM, wzgirl said…
The neighbor-girl said to me yesterday, "Today is my 5th day of Fourth Grade". She used such a woe-be-gones tone. Reminded me of Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing. Sounds like she'd be so lucky to have you as a teacher.
Friday's almost here!!! First weeks almost behind you....
At 2:20 PM, Puddin' said…
I'm glad it went well! :-)
At 2:47 PM, Shelley said…
Good grief, now that you mention it, I think I'm one of those high-maintenance parents for Gillian's teacher! :)
I hope you have a wonderful and rewarding year!
At 2:51 PM, Tamara said…
I'm glad your first day back to school was so good. A call from a parent already? hmmm- that is high maintainence! Here I feel bad when I email the teacher and I've only done it twice. Eleven years? Wow- you must love what you do because you still show so much enthusiasm for teaching.
At 5:25 PM, Polar Bear said…
Flowers? Wow! That is Awesome! I remember when I taught elementary school and having kids that actually liked showing you that they liked you. Now a days if I get a grunt and a smile, I am a happy girl. LOL
Good Luck with A and G. It is going to be an interesting year.
At 6:02 PM, Anonymous said…
Here is to a great year for you!!!
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