Saturday, September 09, 2006

I remember getting ready for work that morning and, as usual I had the television in my room on to the local NBC station. I like to listen to the news while I get ready for work. At some point in the broadcast they began reporting about an airplane that hit the World Trade Center in New York City. The earliest broadcasts that morning didn't refer to any terrorism, but I remember thinking that I was grateful that none of my loved ones were traveling that day. In a matter of minutes, though, it was apparent that this wasn't an accident.

It was only the second week of school and as upset as I was, I knew I had to get to work. The most difficult thing about that day was being calm and reassuring to my students when I felt confused and worried myself. Our principal told us not to turn on the news with any students in the room - we didn't want to increase their anxieties. But every recess break, we'd gather in one teacher's room to watch the news. I watched a lot of news over the next few days and cried many tears.

I felt especially bad for one little boy in my class. September 11th was (is) his birthday. At the end of the day he was astute enough to say, "Great, now my birthday will always be remembered for this!" What can you say to that?

I had a little girl in my class that year who was Muslim. I loved her from the first day of school because she was super affectionate and had the best attitude about school. I made an effort all year long to reach out to her and show her good favor, because I didn't want the other students to act out any prejudices towards her because of her religion. I knew if I showed how much I liked her, they would too. Kids are like that.

After a while, things got back to normal, although it wasn't the normal we'd known before. In my memory, aside from that horrible day, it was a typical school year.

This Monday morning, all the teachers and students at my school will gather at the flag pole to say the pledge and sing a patriotic song. The adults will be able to remember the events and the losses of that late summer day five years ago, but many of the students are too young to remember it at all.

So, we'll teach them about it.


  • At 8:12 PM, Blogger Shelley said…

    What a good teacher you are! Those kids are fortunate to have had you guide them that year.

    What a horrific day. I can't help but cry while reading your post. Remembering that day instantly melts me into sadness and a pool of tears. Every time.

    I'm not sure how you do it, but you are a strong person to deal with such a touchy topic so respectfully and sensitively. It is important that the children understand what happened in a way that is safe for them.

    God bless, Joannah,


  • At 8:42 PM, Blogger t~ said…

    We will ALWAYS remember. It's hard to believe it's been 5 yrs, the emotions are still so raw for me.

  • At 10:04 PM, Blogger Lisa and Tate said…

    I will never forget that day!!! I was at work and heard about the first flight and saw the second impact... TOTALLY NUMB and still in SHOCK!!!


  • At 4:12 AM, Blogger C's Mom said…

    I was at work. I remember the patient I was seeing, why she had come in, the exam room she was in, as well as what I was wearing. So strange how your mind marks the most awful of events with such sharp memory. Fortunately, that happens for the great moments too.

    I cannot believe 5 years has passed already. My heart remains with everyone who lost someone that day. We ALL lost our sense of safety but so many lost so much more.

  • At 10:00 AM, Blogger Tamara said…

    Reading what you were doing made me remember what I was doing- it was a very scary day. I remember calling Alexis' Dad and telling him to pick her up from daycare so I would know she was safe and protected and not vulnerable in a public place. It's hard to imagine something like that really happend here in America.

  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger Polar Bear said…

    I was also in a classroom that morning. The teacher from next door came in and turned on the TV. It was a morning I will never forget.

    We will talk about it tomorrow. Most of my students write about it in their jounals. It is so interesting to read their intpretations of that day.

    We will always remember.

  • At 8:14 PM, Blogger Katherine said…

    I, like you, have the news on in the morning as I'm getting ready for work. That's how I first heard about it, but didn't fully realize the implications and the suffering that was still to come as the day wore on.

  • At 4:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You're such a good teacher. It must have been so hard to go on about your day not knowing if there were more attacks happening.

    It is hard to believe it's been 5 years.

  • At 4:55 PM, Blogger Jann said…

    As a former teacher, I can understand all the thoughts going through your head...and concerns. I am grateful my husband was home...he was a Capt.for UAL...the event has changed our lives....

  • At 8:53 PM, Blogger Shannon said…

    It is still so surreal. Your students are lucky to have you as their teacher.

  • At 7:00 AM, Blogger 4D said…

    It was a day that none of us will ever forget.

    Keep smilin!

  • At 5:01 PM, Blogger Puddin' said…

    I just got the chills. You are a very gifted teacher and your classes are very lucky to have you!


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