Friday, September 08, 2006

I Think I Need This Book

Okay, I am so tired! I guess I'm out of practice. The sad thing is that I was too tired to make it to my pilates class last night at 7:45. I've got to find a way to stay alert into the evening twice a week to make my pilates classes. I have to!

Why? Because it's good for me!


  • At 7:47 PM, Blogger C's Mom said…

    If that book lets you in on any great secrets....puhlease, let me know ;0)

  • At 9:39 PM, Blogger Kristin said…

    the kids are all whipped too... the routine takes some getting used to!!

  • At 9:40 PM, Blogger AprilMay said…

    GIRL, I haven't made it to Curves all week!
    We actually got a kind and caring talk from our administrator about not staying at school late every night.
    THEN we got yet another handy checklist of items that need to be done by YESTERDAY.
    But, uh, teachers ONLY WORK from 8-3, and don'tcha just want to SMACK people when they say that? Or just clutch your chest and lay down and DIE? I probably might do that the next time my brother-in-law tells me I'm overpaid....

  • At 11:11 PM, Blogger Elise said…

    Working with kids all day must be so exhausting! Hopefully it is just the beginning of the year thing so you can get back to your pilates soon! Thanks for being a teacher! Teachers don't get enough respect (or money) for all the wonderful gifts they give our children!!!

  • At 8:10 AM, Blogger Polar Bear said…

    The first two weeks back to school is a killer for me. All I seem to be able to do is school and sleep.

    I hope you can catch up on some rest this weekend.

  • At 9:12 AM, Blogger Sugar Cookies And Hope said…

    Can I borrow it when you are finished? I have been so tired as well (except, my tiredness comes out as hyperactivity and cleaning the bathrooms at midnight!). We'll get used to it, sweet girl and at some point, we'll get the rest we need (even if it is during a math lesson).

  • At 12:21 PM, Blogger Jen R. said…

    I think i need it to..!

  • At 1:37 PM, Blogger Tamara said…

    I NEED that book! I always feel so wiped out by the end of the day and often grumpy too. Hey- I didn't know you had a Highlander- me too, something else we have in common. Mine is a black 2004 limited. What color is yours?


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