Friday, December 08, 2006

Happy Girl

That's the name of this lovely piece of art, and that's how I'm feeling right now!

You see, I just submitted my last paper for my second to last class in my master's program! Yippee!!!

Between now and mid March, I must finish my thesis, put together a professional portfolio, and take the final class. I can't believe how close I am to being done with it all. March will be here before I know it!



  • At 3:56 PM, Blogger Glinda said…

    Congratulations, Joannah.

    Here's a virtual toast to your impressive accomplishments!

  • At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yay!!! Congratulations Joannah!!!

  • At 5:03 PM, Blogger C's Mom said…

    Good for you! Many congrats to the Happy Girl :0)

  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger Sugar Cookies And Hope said…

    Good for you, sweet girl!! Mine ends in mid-Febrauary and I just submitted a huge assignment on Monday. I cannot wait to be done!!

  • At 5:08 PM, Blogger Mariah said…

    Way to go!!

  • At 6:41 PM, Blogger Dannye said…

    WAY TO GO JOANNAH, that is a wonderful accomplishment, we are quite proud of you (doing the happy dance for ya)

  • At 6:43 PM, Blogger A said…

    Yeah!!! I hope you are feeling proud of all that you accomplished!

  • At 7:51 PM, Blogger 4D said…

    That is great!

    So close to the end.

    Keep smilin!

  • At 12:50 AM, Blogger Calico Sky said…

    OOOhhh Congratulations, you are almost there. Well done you!

  • At 7:32 AM, Blogger Middle-Aged Moi said…

    NOw THAT'S something that will keep you busy while you wait! What a lot of work! Congrats! What is your master's in?

  • At 8:24 AM, Blogger Joannah said…

    Janet - my master's is in curriculum and instruction. Basically, that means I've had extensive training in how to design curriculum and create effective instruction for my students.


  • At 9:39 AM, Blogger Special K said…

    That's great news! Very impressive, you smart girl.

    And a very good distraction to keep your mind off the waiting.

  • At 11:55 AM, Blogger Abby's Mom said…

    Awesome Joannah!!!!


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