Slow Down, This Ain't the Mainland!

I finally got in the ocean today! It was wonderful, of course. Our beach is great for swimming and snorkeling, but I've only seen about ten people on it at any given time. There are beaches to the north and south of us packed with tourists, so I'm glad we get to enjoy a nearly empty beach. Last night at sunset, we all took our beverages, towels, and cameras down to the beach and watched the sun go down. There are a couple sandbars that jut out into the ocean from the shore, and we saw someone out walking on them last night. Because it was high tide, it looked like he (she?) was walking on water. It was very cool.
Yesterday, my mom and my sister and I drove down to Lihui to do a little shopping at Costco. I wish my Costco had a view like this from its parking lot:

We also passed the Coco Palms resort on the way to Costco. It took a beating from Hurricane Iniki in 1992, and hasn't been rebuilt yet, but plans are in the works to do so. Elvis filmed parts of Blue Hawaii there back in the day. I guess a lot of movies have been filmed here in Kauai, including South Pacific. We can see Bali Hai from our beach. It's lovely, really!

Today, everyone except my youngest niece, my mom, and me has gone off for a long hike. Sarah wasn't feeling well, so we've slowed down here at the house.
Aloha for now...
At 5:32 PM,
Tammy said…
Lucky you! Hope you're living it up. Sounds, and looks, like you're in for a great time.
Great beach picture.
At 8:27 PM,
Sugar Cookies And Hope said…
Beautiful pictures, Joannah! Glad you are having a lovely time. It is good to slow down.
At 8:51 PM,
Terri | Sugar Free Glow said…
So beautiful!
I love that you went to Costco. LOL
At 10:07 PM,
wzgirl said…
Beautiful pictures - Mahalo.
At 1:43 AM,
Calico Sky said…
I cant believe you are blogging from vacation!!
You are dedicated :)
ENJOY and relax!!!
At 2:59 AM,
Pixel Fairy Princess said…
OH ~ even the picture of Costco takes your breath away! Enjoy ~ Enjoy ~
At 3:51 AM,
OziMum said…
Gorgeous pics! Why would you hike if your on holidays?!!! Just shows how lazy I am!!!
At 7:39 AM,
Johnny said…
Psst, are you being woken up by those #$@%*@!!!! roosters in the middle of the night?
At 9:40 AM,
Joannah said…
Johnny, I did hear one around 5 am today, but so far we've been really lucky and we haven't had any roosters in the neighborhood - lots of mother hens with their chicks though. In the guest book here, one of the guests wrote about a rooster they nicknamed "Larry" - short for larangitous. Too funny!
At 11:07 AM,
Polar Bear said…
Looks like a lovely place. I can't believe you went shopping at CostCo. That is so funny!
At 12:14 PM,
4D said…
So beautiful!
Even the Costco!
Keep smilin!
At 1:49 PM,
Shannon said…
Truly paradise!
At 2:55 PM,
Shelley said…
Living vicariously through you, my friend. Keep those pictures coming!!
At 6:07 PM,
Abby's Mom said…
I am so jealous :)
At 9:30 AM,
Tamara said…
Sounds like you are savoring every second on of your HI vacation in paradise.
At 11:23 AM,
Lisa and Tate said…
Just beautiful!!! I keep saying to myself, "someday I will make it to Hawaii"!!!
Have a great relaxing time!!
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