Saturday Update

I made it through Back to School Night on Wednesday unscathed. Most of the parents seemed excited to be there and interested in what I had to say.
Both of my presentations went really well, I thought. However, there was one father who interupted me three times, and I thought that was really rude. The other parents were rolling their eyes every time he interrupted. He was very gruff and unfriendly, but I held my own. It wasn't enough for him that I had a blog for them to check homework assignments. No, he wanted a rundown on the blog of which chapters we were studying and more notice of upcoming tests. I told him to ask his daughter what she was learning in class. Actually, I said, "I recommend you maintain a dialogue with your daughter about the things she's learning at school, and ask her to bring her textbooks home to show you what she's read in class." After my presentation, he came up and thanked me for holding his daughter accountable when she didn't have her homework the other day, and told me one of her greatest faults was her lack of organization. He was a real hard@#% and I feel badly for his daughter. I don't think she will ever live up to his expectations for her.
Another mother needled me about using email, after I'd already told everyone that the blog wouldn't accept comments or email. I don't think she understood that I didn't want to bring my job home with me. I just was trying to make things a little easier for them by posting assignments on the blog, something I've never done before and something that most teachers don't do. Some people are never satisfied. A few other parents thought the evening was an opportunity for them to address issues their children were having. They wanted a little mini-conference, if you will. Back to School Night isn't the time to do that. It's not fair to monopolize the teacher's time asking questions about your child's particular issues.
Thank goodness that's over for another year.
In other news, I am going to my twenty year high school reunion after all. I didn't think I'd be going because none of my friends from high school were wanting to go, but Teresa has changed her mind and so I'll be going too. It's three weeks from tonight. The ticket is ridiculously overpriced, but it might be fun to see everybody. I did have a sense that I was missing out on something by not going, so I'm glad that the plan has changed.

And, lastly, I'm a bit discouraged again by the most recent post on the RQ site. I think I'd be fine with anything in the 12-18 month range from LID to referral, but this talk of 24+ months is just awful.